Mason Shemo was a bright, funny, creative and loving son. We are heartbroken without him. Please help us honor of Mason and the short life he lived. We are asking for your help to not only raise awareness for OCD, but also to raise awareness for suicide and mental health challenges.

Our Mission

Our mission is to move forward with love in our hearts and manifest positive thoughts for a better future for all of us. We plan to share our story with others, teach compassion to our kids, be present for those around us and emphasize why it is important to live. 

Our vision is to raise funds to provide seminars about mental health awareness and suicide prevention, scholarships and school programs to help students, staff and community, and do our best to provide support and peace to those struggling with mental health challenges.

About Mending Hearts for Mason

Mending Hearts for Mason promotes education on suicide prevention and awareness. Named in honor of Mason Shemo, whose life was tragically cut short by suicide, Mending Hearts seeks to honor his memory by providing help and resources to those pursuing a career addressing the challenges of mental health.

Our mission is to end the stigma around mental health issues and suicide, provide critical resources to those in need, and foster a community of understanding and support. We are dedicated to educating society about the gravity of suicide and mental health issues and the importance of providing accessible mental health care to vulnerable individuals.

Mending Hearts is dedicated not only to raising awareness but also to providing real solutions. We offer an annual scholarship to a student passionate about mental health issues and suicide prevention, helping them further their education and, in turn, their ability to make a difference.

Join Us

Mending Hearts for Mason invites you to join us in our mission to create a world where mental health is openly discussed and where suicide prevention measures are a priority. By lending your voice, time, or resources, you can help us make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by suicide.

With every heart we mend, we honor Mason’s memory and strive to ensure that no one else has to endure such a devastating loss. Together, we can change the narrative around mental health and suicide, one heart at a time.

Mason’s Reflections Videos

National PTA has a long-standing commitment to arts education. The Reflections program provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts which boost student confidence and success in the arts and in life. Each year, over 300,000 students in Pre-K through Grade 12 create original works of art in response to a student-selected theme. Students submit their completed works of art in one or all the available arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts.

Mason submitted four movies that he created with his sister, Kira, and friends, Avery and Ryland. Mason would write the script, create a storyboard, direct, and edit the movies with minimal help. Film production was his passion.

“The Awesome Bedtime Story”

2016-2017 Theme: What Is Your Story?

  • Local Reflections Winner
  • Work of art selected to represent the North Olmsted PTA council at the state level.
“The Awesome Bedtime Story”

“Movie Time”

2017-2018 Theme: Within Reach
Award of Outstanding Achievement at State (2nd Place)

State-level Award of Outstanding Achievement (2nd) honorees receive:

  • Invitation to the Ohio PTA Reflections Celebration Luncheon
  • The opportunity to showcase their artwork at Ohio State PTA Convention Reflections Gallery
  • Recognition at the Reflections Celebration Luncheon
“Movie Time”

“Feast of the Beast”

2018-2019 Theme: Heroes Around Me

  • Local Reflections Winner
  • Work of art selected to represent the North Olmsted PTA council at the state level.
“Feast of the Beast”

“Just a Slice”

2019-2020 Theme: Look Within

  • Award of Excellence at State; Award of Merit at Nationals
  • Merit Award: Bronze Medal; Certificate of Merit; Work featured in the virtual exhibition during
  • National PTA’s Convention.
“Just a Slice”